Women’s Presence on Boards and Financial Performance: Evidence from Southeast Asia


  • Erma Mei Safa Sampoerna University
  • Kenny Fernando Sampoerna University




Women’s Involvement, Financial Performance, Gender Diversity on Boards


The purpose of this article is to assess the impact of female board representation on financial performance in Southeast Asia. To compare the presence of women, three proxies are used: the percentage of women, the Blau Index, and the Shannon Index. The samples for five-year intervals (2017-2021) include 249 Southeast Asian enterprises and 1,245 observations. The Fixed Effect Model results show that, based on all three proxies, women's board participation leads to lower financial performance, which contradicts the Agency and Resource Dependence Theories. This document serves as a resource for regulators and stakeholders in developing effective and proper corporate governance, particularly in board compositions that need a proportion of women in Southeast Asia. The conclusions of this study may be impacted. 


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How to Cite

Safa, E. M., & Fernando, K. (2024). Women’s Presence on Boards and Financial Performance: Evidence from Southeast Asia. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 13(4), 01–10. https://doi.org/10.20525/ijfbs.v13i4.3573