Analysis of Dominant Factors in Improving Performance of Small Medium Industry in the Field Marine and Fishing Processing


  • Edy Supriyadi
  • Iha Haryani Hatta
  • Darmansyah Darmansyah



Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Competence, Investment, Performance


The existence of global market resulted in the increasing number of business actors, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Currently SMEs are experiencing increasingly fierce market competition. Even the competition is in an increasingly complex condition. Faced with this condition, SMEs are required to have the ability to survive and improve its performance. The population of this research is the perpetrators of SMEs in the field of fishery and marine processing business in Lontar Village, Banten Province. The sample are participant of 46 SME actors. Technical sampling is purposive sampling. The data in this study is the primary data collected through questionnaires. The result are (1)Competence leader (KOM) has a positive influence on business performance variables (KIN) with a significant value of 0.070 at a significance level of 0.10.(2). Innovation (INO) has a positive influence on business performance variables (KIN) with a 0.000 significance level at a significant level of 0.05.(3). Entrepreneurship (WIRA) has a positive influence on business performance variables (KIN) with a synergy value of 0.00 at a significant level of 0.05.(4). Investment (INV) has no effect on business performance with significance of 0.223.(5). The moderator variables of entrepreneurs have an influence in contributing to the leadership competence of performance. With a significant value of 0.032.(6). The moderator variables of entrepreneurs have an influence in contributing to innovation on the performance of Entrepreneurship, with a significant value of 0.000 at the 0.05 level (7). The moderator variables of the entrepreneur have no influence in contributing to investment on the performance of the company. with a significant value of 0.060 at the 005 level.


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How to Cite

Supriyadi, E., Hatta, I. H., & Darmansyah, D. (2017). Analysis of Dominant Factors in Improving Performance of Small Medium Industry in the Field Marine and Fishing Processing. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 6(6), 42–51.


