The implementation of e-government in indonesia


  • A.A Gde Satia Utama Airlangga University



Conceptual Paper, E-Government, Public Service, Indonesia


This conceptual paper's objectives describe how the utilization of technology and information systems in government institutions developing e-government can improve public service performance and quality. The development of information and technology helps humans and the organization to successfully their operation. The operational system more accurate, useful, and efficient. Most governmental bodies have a low-performance rate in matters of bureaucracy. To repair the quality of bureaucratic performance in government institutions, there is a need to introduce public transparency and accountability to increase the role of public control. The usage of modern technology and systems in government is known as e-government.


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How to Cite

Utama, A. G. S. (2020). The implementation of e-government in indonesia. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 9(7), 190–196.



Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences